In case you were wondering, this is the "Roller Coaster". A giant dirt hill that Matt would take the kids up and down. It loops around, but you can't see it in this picture. The girls LOVED it. Mom....not quite so much. At one point I was yelling at Matt saying "No, No, No". He thought I was saying, "Go, Go, Go" and he went very fast up the hill and down again. Up and down. We need to work on our communication a bit.

Leah would come down the hill and throw her hands in the air and laugh. She always had the biggest smile on her face. (The picture is a little fuzzy, but you can tell she's having fun). Hailey didn't show it as much, but she kept saying how much fun it was. Me? I lost my stomach quite a few times.

As you can tell, we spent quite a bit of time on the quads. It was really my first time out on an actual "trail". If you could call a trail something that has tree roots sticking out, rocks/boulders, the occasional bridge to cross, oh yeah...and a freakin' ravine! Matt kept saying "It's easy, don't worry, you'll be fine....seriously!" Now I know the truth. "Seriously" means he's lying. A few times I refused to go further and he had to come back and drive my quad through the "death march" we seemed to be on. I did hold my own pretty well though, I must say.

Matt and Mel riding the General. I had to write that sentence 'cuz it sounded kind of kinky! And I know a few of you out there who will appreciate it! You know who you are, don't be embarrassed!
You guys look really cute!!
I bet the kinky ones are the Vigils!!! I can see them talking about the "General" that way.
Yeah, they're one of those crazy kinky people we know. Come to think of it, we know quite a few....
well at least you have some pure influences in your life...like me...amy...where would you be without my example?
Ummmm...do you really want me to answer that question...?
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