As many of you know, Hailey ran track this year for her school. It was her first year, and she seemed to have a good time. She did say she wanted to quit once when her friend quit, but being the good parent that I am I told her, "NO. You finish what you start!" In the end, she liked it. Here are some pics to recap her first, and hopefully not last, track season! GO HAILEY!

And so track ended, but the fun didn't. Hailey had her first track awards party and she won the Sunnycrest Track '08 Coaches Award for the Kindergarten/First Grade Girls. The coaches chose her for this award because she worked hard, never complained, did what she was asked, "ran hard", and showed good sportsmanship. WOW! We're so proud of her! Good Job Hailey! (Needless to say, she did get a little more excited about track after winning the trophy.....)

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