The Circus

Last weekend we went to the Jordan's World Circus in Puyallup, Washington. It was fun! The kids talked us into letting them ride the elephant. But, as our luck would have it, they got put on two different elephants at the same time. So Leah's on the elephant in the front of the photo. She's second in line with the bright pink jacket. Hailey is on the elephant in the back of the photo. She's the second to last child in the brown coat. (Sorry we don't have a better picture...) But they kids loved the ride!!


o1ohana said...

dang girl. if my kids got to ride an elephant i think i would have documented it better! then again...i might have just stood there hoping no one caused a stampede. that is way cool though. i showed my son the pic & even though he is only 18 months i think he was definitely jealous. i had to leave the page up until he was done looking at the elephant. (it was like forever! he loves elephants)

Melody Rice said...

Well, that's what happens when daddy has the camera. He thinks one picture is good enough. I take like a thousand and then go home and delete all the bad ones! Next time I'll know better......

CamKamFam said...

oh my gosh!! they weren't scared?!!!
that must have been fun! for real, ya i would have been scared for a stampede. paka!! he does love his elephants!