Our first stop at Sea World? A ride. Not just any ride, but Abby's Sea Star Spin. I only have 1 question : "Why are there so many spinning rides?"

After that experience we decided we'd better see some animals. So here's a glimpse at some of the fascinating animals we saw, touched, and smelled at Sea World.

The dolphins were a hit! Shamu was a hit!

The turtles not so much!

The kids enjoyed touching the Sea Stars and the Bat Rays (I don't know why my pic is sideways....sorry).

The Polar Bear was also fun to see! You all better appreciate this pic. I fought about 15 Asians to get to the front of the line! While in the Polar Bear center, we decided to take advantage of the imitation polar bear caves they had. The kids did an awesome job of posing for a pic!

And my favorite animal......

I hope I can always say that this is the closest I will ever be to a shark!
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