Leah's 6th Birthday was in June. She repeatedly asks to go to Chuck E. Cheese to visit her all time favorite ride....the pony!
But, since I am such a "mean mom", I said "NO" to Chuck E. Cheese for this year and made her choose something different. We ended up at McDonalds! (Word to the Wise: Always Think Twice!) I also decided to surprise her with a Madagascar 2 theme party. As you can see in the end she loved it!
Leah also got to take cupcakes to her Kindergarten class for her birthday. Chocolate cupcakes with red frosting! As you can see.....she also loved those!!
Dress up is another of Leah's favorite things to do. I must say......I'm pretty sure I wouldn't recognize Leah on the street in this get-up!
While reading my book one afternoon last week I fell asleep. While I thought my kids were responsible, I woke up to see that Leah had one green leg and one red leg. Hailey had decided it would be funny to color Leah's legs with "non" washable Crayola markers! It took a few baths and a lot of scrubbing, but we did get her legs back to a normal color! (Later I found out that I should have tried baby wipes.....so there's my useful piece of information to you all!)
As I mentioned earlier, Leah loves animals! Here is her pet snake she played with outside. Her idea of playing was to throw him in the air and watch him hit the ground and then run and pick him up and start the whole process over again. I guess we need to teach her what is socially acceptable still......

You guys have no control of these kids! I love how the best stories come at the parents expense.
Very cute. I especially love how happy she looks about having one red and one green leg!
Thanks for e-mailing me! I laughed and laughed.
Jake - YOU JUST WAIT....I can only imagine the terror your kids will reign......
Jill - She absolutely LOVED having 2 different colored legs....until we had to go to the store, then she was shy and embarrassed and didn't want anyone to see her.
Kris - You are welcome! Thanks for looking! :)
I loved the pictures of Leah. You do such a great job of capturing fun pictures and your comments are funny. I love your little darlings so much. Thanks for sharing. Love Terri
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