She opened her presents first, of course. She loved all the gifts....so thanks to all of you who sent something. Hailey made the crown that you see Leah wearing. She made it because that's what they do at school for the birthday kids. (Such a thoughtful sister...)
After presents we went to our kids' favorite place: Chuck E. Cheese! They had a blast. And I'll admit, even Matt and I had fun on some of the games. We ate pizza and played games for about 2 1/2 hours. Then we had to get home so Leah could have her birthday cake before it got too late. They ate a few bites of the cake, but then wanted to go play with all the new presents. So much for mom's hard work at actually baking something!
All in all, Leah's birthday was fun. Mom and dad had a hard time seeing how much she's grown up. She's not a baby anymore! (boo....hoo)
She is so cute and getting so big!!!!
Happy Birthday Leah!
yah, she's not a baby anymore...that's why you need to have another one!
do it!
yes, another baby, i agree! come on mel, dont you want another one?
Wow, I can’t believe your baby
is 4. I sure miss you guys
and think about you a lot.
Love you all
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